If you want to see a sample of what RootsMagic 6 can create, we’ve put up a sample site for you to experience. Here’s a sample of what the pedigree view looks like (click the image to embiggen it). Your My RootsMagic site will have a very clean appearance, and is very easy for visitors to navigate. You can also include the notes, sources, and pictures on your site as well. Your site will be located at my./ yourusername and will include a home page, a searchable name index, and pedigree view, family views, and individual view for every person you choose to include. Then, with the click of a button, it publishes it online for you. RootsMagic will step you through choosing which people you want to include, privacy options, and customizing your home page. To publish your information to My RootsMagic, just run RootsMagic 6, then select “Internet > Publish online” from the main menu.

With it, you can easily publish and share your family tree, notes, sources, and media with others. With that goal in mind, we’re pleased to offer our new My RootsMagic free hosting service for users of RootsMagic 6.

One of our goals with this new release was to make it easier for you to share your information online with your family.
#My rootsmagic software
We released our new RootsMagic 6 software last week with an impressive list of new features.